📈Where to Swap NFTE

The NFTEarth native protocol token NFTE is currently deployed to 14 blockchain networks.

Where NFTE is Available to Swap


LlamaSwap - a Meta DEX aggregator is typically an excellent place to swap tokens. The link to buy NFTE on Polygon PoS on LlamaSwap is here.

NFTFi Vaults

With an emphasis on NFTFi - NFTEarth has built out a system of automated Vaults, through the Steer Finance platform. Steer is an Automated Liquidity Manager - enabled users to provide liquidity to preconfigured strategies and let them work passively without manual upkeep of their LP positions. Users can deposit their concentrated liquidity position(s) from any of the DEXs where a Vault has been created, and let the automated strategy perform completely on its own.

Note: as with all liquidity positions and tokens in the digital asset space, it's important to thoroughly research and understand what you are doing before taking action. Take your time and make sure you understand what you are doing before implementing what is best for you. It's also important to remember that positions change and it is your responsibility to keep an eye on whatever liquidity position you provide if you choose to do so - and this includes both automated and manual LP positions. Be attentive and keep up to date and don't be shy! If you have any questions, you can join the community in Discord, Telegram or X.

NFTE Token Basics

NFTE is the native utility token of the NFTEarth ecosystem. It is designed primarily to be used for staking, voting, and boosting rewards. It is designed in a way that its value increases over time. See NFTE TOKEN for NFTE token specifications.

NFTE is an ERC-20 token that incorporates LayerZero’s Omnichain Fungible Token (OFT) extension to enable seamless cross-chain interoperability. By leveraging this innovative token and cross-chain messaging architecture, the protocol has enabled a new era of interoperability across chains for the NFT ecosystem. Being natively Omnichain provides several large benefits for NFTEarth users and stakeholders - such as easy bridging of NFTE between chains, while simultaneously leading to increased security when compared with the more common bridging methods, which are liquidity based and thus pose greater risks to the protocol. NFTE is currently live on 14 chains. Every bridging transaction completed in the NFTEarth in-app bridge - or via block explorer or direct contract call, is a LayerZero transaction. Once you have initiated a Tx on the NFTEarth Bridge - you can copy the transaction hash from each relevant transaction and paste it into LayerZero Scan to view it from the LayerZero Team's custom cross-chain transaction explorer.

Last updated